Armitage Robinson said Ephesians is "the crown of St Paul's writings." The Epistle to the Ephesians unfolds God's eternal plan and His riches for believers in Christ. Therefore, this course aims to help students discover the depth of the blessings that God has bestowed upon His Church. It will provide an overview of the epistle, a biblical doctrine of Christ's Church, and relevant applications for contemporary Christian living.
Outline of Ephesians
Theme: A New Community
Discover God's Greatest Blessing for Christ's Church
I. Believers Living A New Life (Ephesians 1:3-2:10)
II. Believers Living in a New Community (Ephesians 2:11-3:1-21)
III. Believers Following New Standards of Behaviour (Ephesians 4:1-17-5:1-21)
IV. Believers Having New Relationships (Ephesians 5:21-33 -6:1-24)
Signing up:
Online at or Email to Peiyi at by 4 February 2017
For enquiries, please call 6472 0091 ext 203
1023 Upper Serangoon Road #01-01 Baptist Centre
Singapore 5234761

Date & Time
February 11, 18, 25, 2017
March 4, 2017
9.30am - 12.30pm

Course Fee
S$50/pax (Early bird - before 21 January)
S$40/pax (Pastor & full-time co-worker)
S$40/pax (Group registration of 10 or more)
*Late fee of $10 will be charged for registration received after 4 February.

Rev Janet Yan
Rev. Janet Yan is the pastor of Abundant Life Baptist Church. Answering God's call to the full-time ministry, she left the corporate world to serve in her home church in 1995. She is passionate in making disciples through preaching, teaching and mentoring. An avid reader and learner, she enjoys studying God's word.