Will Your Christmas be About Getting or Giving?

One thing I enjoy doing around the holidays is preaching at my home church, Christ Fellowship, in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. I preached just a few days ago on the weekend after Thanksgiving. And I’ll preach again the weekend after Christmas.
Today, with Christmas on its way, I’ve been thinking about the concept of giving. This time of year can be so focused on getting — whether it’s a gift from Grandma or that great deal at the mall. But I really believe it’s more blessed to give than to receive. Some of my greatest personal fulfillment has come when I’ve given something I value to someone I love.
Are you thinking about giving this Christmas? Who can you help during this season? There are people who have less than you and could use your help — no matter how much you have. And even if you aren’t able to give financially, you can share an even more precious commodity: your time. Spend the afternoon with an elderly loved one. Do something for a local family. Volunteer with your church or with a charity. I’m sure if you’re creative, you can come up with something you can do for someone else. You have time to make it happen before December 25.
Don’t let this season be all about getting. Giving is the best way I know to express love for others. Never forget: this world, with one puny exception, is comprised of others. Let’s make it about them, not ourselves. On the day when we celebrate God’s gift of His Son to the world, let’s look for ways to give to the people in our world. You can make someone else’s holiday brighter, and at the same time brighten your own.