1 & 2 PETER
By Dr Roger L Capps
1 Peter - Tuesday to Friday, 3 - 6 January, 8.30am to 1pm
2 Peter - Saturday, 7 January, 9am to 4pm
Baptist Theological Seminary
Course Description for 1 Peter
In our study we will examine the authorship and setting of 1st Peter but we will concentrate on the writer's teaching and its implication for the Church. The relevant concerns highlighted in this seminar will encourage discussion, debate and application.
Course Description for 2 Peter
Does the Church too easily accommodate dissenting views, pluralistic ideas and false teachers? Is the second coming of Christ a realistic belief? Participants will be encouraged to discuss the issues that arise with a view to applying resolutions to their lives and to the Church where they serve.
Audit Fee for 1 Peter: $120 (pastors & co-workers: $80)
Audit Fee for 2 Peter: $30 (pastors & co-workers: $20)
2 Peter can be registered for separately as one-day seminar, and is open to church members and Lay Leadership Development program students
EMAIL: by 15 December.

Dr Roger L Capps (PhD, University of Glasgow) served as missionary educator with the International Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention, for 32 years. He was the first Director of Baptist Theological Seminary, Singapore (1982 - 1993). He lived in Bulgaria for 9 years and taught at the Bulgarian Evangelical Theological Institute and the Bulgarian Baptist Theological Institute, serving as dean in these colleges. Since retirement from the IMB in 2003, he has continued to teach in seminaries around the world.